
Nanofique Ltd

Nanofique Limited

Lead: Richard Burke

Nanofique limited is an SME formed to commercialise the exciting products and processes that have been developed to treat textile dye wastewater quickly, efficiently and cost effectively using the latest advanced materials.

The team at Nanofique have been working with different materials developed, mainly in universities, to take them through the TRL levels. In doing this Nanofique, has invested significant resource since early 2015 in this activity. The flagship product called Nanofique, degrades the residual dyestuff in textile dye wastewater, removing the colour and associated harmful effects. NFQ has expertise in introducing new technology to the market, working with catalytic products, integrating systems and in large-scale project management.

Role in the project:

NFQ will act as the overall technical lead for Waste2Fresh and co-lead the development of the catalytic subsystem (together with UIS). NFQ will be involved in all the work packages, using both a technical and commercial focus to ensure successful project delivery.

Relevant Projects:

  1. Wastewater treatment in the textile dye industry is a complex procedure involving many different operation elements. Nanofique Ltd have been involved for the past 3 years in getting together different technologies, processes and partners to establish better treatment methodologies within the textile wastewater sector. They have attended a number of associated EU brokerage events to bring together the next generation of solutions. Nanofique has also developed contacts with a number of the large retail brands, industry associations and industrial end users to design solution developments that are fit for purpose. These efforts have been focused on emerging environmental requirements satisfying the needs of the circular economy. Richard Burke the founder of Nanofique has had experience working in the textile sector including long-term postings in India and various locations in Europe and South America.
  2. Nanofique have been involved in the ERDF Coast project the aim of which is to improve the performance of the Nanofique material variants.

Nanofique Technology

Nanofique technology has been designed to treat wastewater from the textile dye industries using an efficacious, environmentally friendly and cost-effective process. It does this by using the patented Nanofique material used within specially designed and engineered process equipment. The material itself is a bio-composite of nanostructured material that is fully biodegradeable. Using its catalytic properties, it degrades the dyestuff in the wastewater, removing the colour and associated harmful effects.
This treatment is not a photo-catalytic process and so can be done without the need for light, which importantly, means that it can be used for wastewater concentrations of > 50,000ppm (Mg/l) where it is too dense for light to penetrate. The product technology leverages the large surface area afforded by the nanostructure immobilised on a substrate of 100% plant origin. Different variants of the product can be produced to maximise effectiveness for specific industrial conditions.

Nanofique Technology 1
Nanofique Technology 1

There are several plant substrates that can be used to make the Nanofique product (all of which can be grown in Turkey). Importantly they can be grown in arid conditions without the need for irrigation or the need for pesticides or fertilizers. This opens a good long-term sustainable agricultural opportunity for some of the poorest agricultural communities in Turkey and Colombia.