Industrial Impact

Industrial Impact

Significant reduction in the current use of freshwater resources

ERAK factory and most textile manufacturers globally do not currently treat wastewater to a standard that is fit for reuse. Cost-effective and simple Waste2Fresh system will create a paradigm shift in wastewater treatment within textile manufacturing and other industries, by treating wastewater and recycling the treated water for reuse within a closed-loop system. This will considerably reduce industry freshwater requirements and hence make more freshwater available to the local community. This is important not just for Turkey and the EU but for the wider international community given that in countries like Bangladesh freshwater resources are being depleted around Dhaka by the numerous textile factories.

Significant steps towards near-zero discharge using closed-loop systems in industrial processes:

Waste2Fresh is a closed-loop system that will treat water to ZDHC standards and reusable quality and recycle the water within the textile manufacturing processes, therefore delivering near-zero discharge.


  • zero discharge
  • recovery of water
  • recovery of energy